Sunday, March 16, 2008

Cedric joins the Debbinks

Let me introduce you all to Cedric the gnome. Our friend Katy Hayes (Matthew's girlfriend) adopted him off the internet and gave him to Terry for care and feeding. He joined our family in December and has done quite a bit of traveling already in the few short months he's been with us. In February he flew to Hawaii for Dirk's change of office as Reserve Deputy Pacific Fleet, then onto San Diego to meet Terry's parents, Joanie and Jack Graff. He's been back and forth from Oconomowoc to DC numerous time's and has proven to be a good traveler. He loves his little bag with flowers embroidered on it and he fits nicely into the camera bag. The following pictures are a short look into Cedric's first 3 months on the road with Terry and Dirk.

Cedric discusses Pacific affairs with the 4-star during the recent satellite missile shoot.

Cedric gets his first lieu....

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